Our Story

Tiffany Hicks
Processed with VSCO with al3 preset
Tiffany Hicks, Founder
Professional Organizer. Founder

TH Methodologies was founded in 2022, by Tiffany Hicks. She had long dreamed of curating joy-filled spaces by setting homes and businesses in order one space at a time. Tiffany’s love for organizing showed up in her own home and with a lot of urging from multiple friends and family TH Methodologies was created.

Our Offering

Our goal is for every space in your home to have a bespoke plan that is easy for anyone to maintain.

We offer a variety of services including:

  • Home Organization – including bathroom, closet, garage, home office, kitchen, pantry, playroom, etc.
  • Relocation/moving
  • Virtual organization

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